Introduction the Construction Readiness Assessment

Construction projects have always faced pressure to begin early mobilization of the construction phase which can result in out-of-sequence work leading to cost and schedule overruns.

The decision to proceed with construction requires a standard, objective process that easily identifies the gaps that must be addressed to achieve construction readiness and supports the decision of when to move forward.

The Construction Readiness Assessment is a methodology developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII). It is used for monitoring project health, preventing premature construction starts, and avoiding out-of-sequence work.

CII’s research shows that construction-ready projects outperform projects that are not ready with 20% better cost performance and 22% better schedule performance.

This white paper provides an introduction to the Construction Readiness Assessment. It answers many of the most common questions including:

  • What is the Construction Readiness Assessment?
  • Who uses the assessment?
  • How do projects benefit?
  • How can organizations get started?

Fill out the form to download this Introduction to the Construction Readiness Assessment for a comprehensive overview of this methodology.


If you are looking for a good overview of the methodology, start with this white paper.