PMI PDU Changes as of December 1, 2015

Mark Anderson
March 15, 2016

Information for Renewing Your Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification

The Project Management Institute's Talent Triangle which shows the three skills that are most important for project manager professional development. These three skills include technical project management, leadership, and strategic and business management.

Technical Project Management, Leadership, and Strategic and Business Management are the three skills that make up PMI’s Talent Triangle.

As of December 1, 2015, the Project Management Institute (PMI) has made changes to their requirements for PMP credential renewal. The goal is to better reflect the greater demand of PMI Talent Triangle skills by companies.

Since those skills are of higher demand than they once were, more PDUs have been dedicated to the Education category of PDUs and less to the Giving Back category. Sixty percent of all PDUs are now required in the Education category.

Looking at the Education category, the previous maximum requirement of 30 PDUs has increased to a minimum of 35 PDUs. This is a great change. It encourages individuals to dedicate more of their time obtaining PDUs in ways that further their own knowledge of project management.

An illustration of all the changes to the PMP renewal requirements is shown in the following infographic.

The Project Management Institute, or PMI, have changed their requirements for Professional Development Units, or PDUs, for their Project Management Professional, or PMP, certification. This change came info effect on December 1, 2015, meaning it is in place now. The requirements for renewal of a PMP certification are comprised of two kinds of PDUs, Education and Giving Back. Previously, a maximum of 30 PDUs was required for the education category. The new changes require a minimum, not maximum, of 35 education PDUs. These education PDUs are broken down into 3 types: Technical Project Management, Leadership, and Strategic and Business Management. A minimum of 8 PDUs are required in each of these three types of education PDUs. There are 3 categories of ways you can go about obtaining these education PDUs. The first way is through courses offered by PMI Registered Education Providers, also known as REPS. These courses may also be offered by local PMI chapters and communities. The second category is continuing education course offerings by universities as well as project management events not organized by PMI. The final category being self-directed learning such as listening to podcasts, participating in discussions about project management, or interacting with a mentor such as a coach or consultant. This last category of self-directed learning can only make up a maximum of 30 of the 35 required education PDUs. The second kind of PDU that is required for credential renewal are Giving Back PDUs. Previously, a maximum of 45 PDUs was required for the giving back category. The new changes has decreased the maximum requirement from 45 to 25 PDUs. There are 3 categories of ways you can go about obtaining these giving back PDUs. The first way is by creating new project management knowledge through blogging, giving presentations, or developing project management courses. The second way is through volunteer service such as volunteering for project management organizations such as PMI local chapters, or providing project management training to others. The final way you can obtain giving back PDUs is by working as a professional in project management. This last way can only make up a maximum of 8 out of 25 of your giving back PDU credits. In total, 60 PDU credits are required between the minimum of 35 education PDUs and maximum of 25 giving back PDUs. These 60 credits are based on a 3-year cycle for credential renewal. The cost of renewal depends on if you are a PMI member or non-member. Members are required to pay $60 U.S. while non-members are required to pay $150 U.S. for renewal. After doing so, you should receive your certificate within 4 weeks.

Education PDU Opportunities Offered by Valency

On November 16, 2015, Valency became a Registered Education Provider for the Project Management Institute. Courses offered by Valency will grant PDUs.

Valency offers a number of courses that will provide you with Education PDUs in the Strategic and Business Management side of the PMI Talent Triangle. Remember that you must obtain a minimum of 8 PDUs in Strategic and Business Management in order to renew your PMP credentials.

If you would like more information on Valency’s education offerings visit our education page:

Valency Education

Sources: PMI, Edward Chung


– Edward Designer

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