When a Flash Track Project Is Your Only Option

When a Flash Track Project Is Your Only Option

The past year has been a wake-up call on of just how quickly our lives can be turned upside down by extreme weather events.  In February, the town of Chesley, Ontario where I grew up was split in two by a flash flood that took out the bridge that served as the...
Managing RISK: 5 Steps to Bring you More Value

Managing RISK: 5 Steps to Bring you More Value

Managing RISK: 5 Steps to Bring you More Value When done right risk management of Capital Projects can significantly decrease schedule overruns and reduce costs. Managing risk is important. CII benchmarking research shows that organizations using a formal process for...

We’ve Moved! Check out our new Digs.

The past year has been an exciting journey for Valency. We’ve added new people, worked with project professionals around the world (including the UK, Norway, Canada, USA, UAE, Netherlands, Brazil, Columbia and more) and become a full fledged member of CII. Our...